4 Things I Have Taken Away From “Gospel learning and Teaching.”

From Gospel Learning and Teaching by David M. McConkie:

1. Attitude is everything in teaching/learning.

A successful teacher and author said: “What matters most in learning is attitude. The attitude of the teacher.”

2. One cannot teach successfully what one does not like; you need to love what you teach.

Successful gospel teachers love the gospel. They are excited about it. And because they love their students, they want them to feel as they feel and to experience what they have experienced. To teach the gospel is to share your love of the gospel.

3. Should encourage/challenge the students to apply in their lives what you have taught them.

The role of the teacher is “to help individuals take responsibility for learning the gospel—to awaken in them the desire to study, understand, and live the gospel.” 12  This means that as teachers we should not focus so much on our performance as on how we help others learn and live the gospel.

4. Scriptures will train us with the basics of communicating with heavens; after that, all is possible!

When was the last time you knelt in prayer and asked the Lord to help you not just with your lesson but also to help you to know and to meet the needs of each student in your class?  No class is so large that we cannot pray for inspiration regarding how to reach each student.

Brothers and sisters, it is contrary to the economy of heaven for the Lord to repeat to each of us individually what He has already revealed to us collectively. The scriptures contain the words of Christ. They are the voice of the Lord. Studying the scriptures trains us to hear the Lord’s voice.