Who are to be blamed for the modern women’s “anti-domestication” stance?

Question: Who are to be blamed for the modern women’s “anti-domestication” stance, as they overwhelmingly restrain their reproductive organs? Is it A, B, or C?

A) Men, who for centuries have underappreciated or exploited domestic wives’ human dignity in general, compelling women to seek psychological/intellectual validation outside her traditional enclave (home and her children).

B) Women, who innately having “Eve’s syndrome” to thwart “Adam’s God-ordained authority” over her, have ingeniously made some strategic political strides over the years, such as: the 20s suffrage act (1st wave feminism), the 60s civil rights’ movement (2nd wave feminism), and the 90s women-of-color consciousness and post-colonial transnationalism (3rd wave feminism).

C) Other: Your insights as to why.